Registration Closes 1/31 at 11:59 pm
- $120.00 League/Registration Fee,
- All Players: Provide copy of birth certificate. (upload online)
- All Players: Verify recent photo (upload)
- All Games Played on Sundays
Registration Fee Payment
Only full payment and required documents (i.e. photos for all players, birth certificates for all players) ensures eligibility for placement on roster. We also require that every player participate with the fundraiser for a minimum of $25.
Registration Photos
Photos should be updated every season in player profiles.
Acceptable - Upload an original, digital image and without enhancements changes to the image such as using filters.
Acceptable - Image has even lighting and there are no shadows on the face or background.
Acceptable - The player is facing the camera, and the head is centered in the image.
Acceptable - The Player full face is visible and no shadows or clothing blocking face.
Photo tip: You may wear head coverings for religious purposes.
Purchasing Uniforms
All players must wear the official uniform to play with any club team. Fall 2024 season we will wear a RED Hummel jersey, Black Hummel shorts and Black Hummel socks.
**Player kits must be purchased separately from registration though our Fan Wear store**
Kits can be used for multiple seasons as long as they are in good condition and fit appropriately